The Monthly Agape Service provides time and space for faith family to celebrate the Lord's Supper and what God is doing (birthdays, holidays, changes, ministries, etc). Also, we believe this is a great time for guests to be served and get to know us.
The times are listed for you know what to expect and plan what works best for you. We understand that there are times you can't make or stay for certain Sunday activities.
10:00 AM
This is a time to grab a coffee. Then, we have Bible study curriculum for you. Bible Study Leaders will guide you through the lesson and provide you opportunities to add to conversation or ask questions. This is a time to belong and connect!
11:00 AM
Our worship consists of 75 minutes of:
1) Call to Worship with reciting a Psalm
2) Hymns and Contemporary Worship Song
3) Prayer
4) Opportunity to Worship through Giving
5) Hymn and Contemporary Worship Song
6) Sermon
12:15 PM
Jesus Christ gave His church the gift of Lord's Supper. It is a time to proclaim the power of His death until He returns to make all things new. Believers are encourage to participate to proclaim and continue to commit to these truths in their lives.
If guest is unsure about committing to Jesus or what means to proclaim the power of His death, we understand! We encourage you to let the plate pass, observe the practice, and then talk to the pastor afterwards. God is at work with you just being in this time.
12:30 PM
Hospitality teams prepare the main course. Other faith family members will bring complementing sides. We encourage guests to simply enjoy the conversations and food.
See below for dates and if any rescheduling was needed:
February 18
March 10
April 14
May 5
June 9
July 14
August 11
September 8
October 13
November TBD
December 8 - Christmas Kickoff Sing Service & Meal​